September is Library Card Sign-up Month! Learn more and head to your local library to apply for a card.
Mommin’ ain’t easy. I was reminded of that recently. But we don’t often learn the most important lessons in life from the moments where things go exactly as planned.
Books that represent diverse characters, cultures, and themes, are important for all children to consume, to help foster a greater appreciation of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Therefore, I’ve curated a list of 39 diverse children’s books for you to add to your family’s book shelf!
Social media paints an unrealistic picture of what life as a mom is really like, in my opinion. Just like print media, TV and movies, it creates incredibly high standards that we think we need to meet in order to look like we’ve got it together.
So let me tell you the reality of this mom’s #momlife.
Unfortunately, my child has already been exposed to death several times in his young life. I have no idea how to talk to a child about death. But that hasn’t stopped me from trying. Read more about my experience with this
Having a kid has in some ways made me feel like a kid again myself. It has given new life and meaning to holidays and traditions that brought me a lot of joy as a child. For example, I have never