Get Your Library Card During Library Card Sign-up Month!
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Did you know September is Library Card Sign-up Month? It is indeed!
The American Library Association (ALA), which has been around since 1987, created this annual celebration to demonstrate the many ways a library card can unlock access to resources for anyone, beyond just library books!
People of all ages can sign up for a library card to take advantage of the various programs and services our public libraries have to offer. From summer reading programs, and weekly story time for kids, to internet and computer access, adult programming on sustainable living, and more.
Libraries have always been a big part of my life. I distinctly remember the joy of going to the Racine Public Library to check out books as a kid. Along with the school library as well. I checked out this book Wait Till Helen Comes, by Mary Downing Hahn, multiple times as a child. It’s a ghost story that totally sucked me in. Which is the kind of power a good book can have over you!
I was thrilled when my son showed a love of reading at an early age. So, I took him to get his very first library card just last year. He had turned seven that summer and was just starting second grade. Which seemed like a good age to empower him with his very own library card.
I hung on to it for him until this week, when I entrusted him to take care of it on his own. That way, he has it for when his school or afterschool program takes a trip to the library. So he can check out books on visits without me if he wants.
We visit our public library often to check out new books for bedtime stories and his own independent reading time. We’ve checked out Blu-Ray movies, Nintendo Switch games, and audiobooks. He loves the Playaway audiobooks that he can listen to as he falls asleep some nights in bed.
You can use your library card to access Wisconsin’s Digital Library as well, with access to over 70,000 eBooks, audiobooks, and videos! And genealogy information in-library too.
The Madison Public Library even has a program where you can use your Madison Public Library card to get a BCycle Community Pass to access and ride Madison BCycle electric bikes at available stations all over town!
If that’s not enough, you can even borrow seeds from the Seed Library at participating locations to grow plants at home or in a community garden.
Libraries are essential to healthy and vibrant communities like Madison because they are truly made to be accessible to everyone. Regardless of race, ethnicity, religious, or political beliefs, socioeconomic status, etc. Libraries are amazing resources that are here to serve each and every member of the community.
So, if you don’t have a library card yet. Or haven’t taken the steps to get your kiddos one…What are you waiting for?!
#HowILibrary Campaign

Learn more about Library Card Sign-up Month and head to your local library to apply for a card.
You can participate in the ALA’s social media campaign sharing what you love about the library throughout the month of September as well. Just create a social post showcasing how you use the library and share on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #HowILibrary. Tag your local library, the ALA account and your friends to help spread the word about Library Card Sign-up Month!
You could win a $150 Disney gift card and one-year subscription to Disney+ Premium (grand prize). A $150 VISA gift card and an ALA Graphics poster (first prize). Or an ALA Graphics poster (second prize)! Read the official rules here.
Comment below with what you love about the library! I’d love to hear your #HowILibrary stories as well!
Happy reading! 🙂